Thursday, November 5, 2009


Quick story before I post pictures of my super cute kids in their Halloween get-ups. About a month ago TJ's mom took Allison to the Disney store to look at princess outfits. It just so happened that they were having a sale on all of their costumes, plus if you got the costume - you got an accessory for really cheap. So, being a sucker for a cute girl, Cindy told Allison she could pick out any costume she wanted. Allison decided on Jasmine and got the outfit, matching shoes and matching tiara.
Fast forward a week. Allison went to Grandma and said, "I need to talk to you about Halloween." She told her Grandma that she wanted Thomas (her 13 yr old cousin) to be her Aladdin. So Grandma got Thomas on the phone and handed it to Allison, where she proceeded to ask him if he would be her Aladdin for Halloween. And like any good 13 year old boy looking for an excuse for one last trick-or-treating hurrah before he's deemed 'too old,' he consented.
A costume was made for Aladdin and he and Jasmine were all set for Halloween. But something was missing. Anyone who's seen the movie knows that Aladdin never goes anywhere without his best bud Abu. So we tossed aside the other costumes we had and ordered a monkey costume online for McKenna to wear.

McKenna DID NOT like the monkey ears.

And Ican't forget Anondi in her giant pumpkin outfit.


mle said...

ExCUSE me?!? I LOVE this!! So cute. And what a good sport Aladdin was. :)

The Ward(s) said...

Mel they look so cute! Totally wish we would have been home for Halloween. . .all is well.

Daniel and Dawn said...

what a good sport to be her Aladdin!!! What a cute idea too! They look great!

Marci said...

How cute!