11 years ago
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Allison for the most part is a sweet little girl. But like any kid she can have her moments. She typically just ignores her little sister and goes about her business. Sometimes she'll even bend over and give McKenna a hug (which ends up looking like an attempt at strangulation - but she means well.) But every once in a while Alli decides she just doesn't want her sister near her or doesn't want to share and she pushes her away. She's not overly mean but we keep telling her that someday McKenna is going to be bigger than her and is going to start pushing back. Well someday has started sooner than expected. This morning Allison was in her room and McKenna started crawling down the hall toward her. Alli apparently didn't want to play with her because she jumped up and ran over to the door to shut it so McKenna couldn't get in. But she was too late - McKenna had already made it to the doorway and as Alli started to push the door closed, McKenna pushed back. She wasn't able to push the door open, but Allison couldn't get it closed either. It was pretty funny to see my 10 month old pushing with just as much force as my 3 year old. Watch out Allison, your days are numbered!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My poor baby!!!
Well word is starting to spread that Allison was hurt pretty bad a couple of days ago so I decided to publish the story and pictures here so they will live forever in digital infamy. Two days ago as the girls and I were leaving the gym, we were walking out the door and into the parking lot. As we were stepping down the curb, Allison and I sort of tripped each other and started to fall. I was hold McKenna in one arm while the other hand was holding Allison's. My first thought as we started to go down was to not drop my baby, so I tried to hold her up as best I could. As Allison was falling, she was trying to pull on and use my hand to steady herself but since I was going down too all that did was make her situation worse. It only took about a half second for us to both go down. I landed on my knees and scraped them up a little, but poor Alli took the worst of it. Since she was holding my hand she didn't get a chance to get her hands out and catch herself and basically hit face first into the parking lot pavement which caused this:

And here she is with the Princess dolls that Grandma Cindy got for the poor baby:
Needless to say I feel terrible about the whole incident and have given her pretty much whatever she wants the past couple of days. Luckily for me she is a good kid and isn't taking advantage of me.
This picture was taken shortly after the fall. (Her lip go much bigger as the night wore on.) I rushed her home to assess the damage. She had a few scrapes and a mighty big fat lip. Even through all the dirt and tears and pain, my sweet little girl managed to remain herself. As she was sitting on the toilet for me to clean the cuts, she heard McKenna crying and promptly tried to comfort her by yelling, "It's okay McKenna! I love you."
Anyway, I got her all cleaned up and then TJ and I took her to IHOP and then to Walmart to look at toys in hopes of cheering her up and taking her mind off of her "owies." She was complaining of a headache and we were debating whether or not to take her to the doctor. While we were at Walmart she threw up all over TJ and since vomiting is a sign of a concussion, we decided to at least call her doctor. We went home to clean up and called the doctor's office. The nurse suggested we take her down to the emergency room just to be safe. So at 11pm we made it down to the ER where she threw up again on the hospital bed. They did a CT scan and found out that indeed she did have a concussion, but there was no internal bleeding so they told us to just watch her for any signs of worsening and to take it easy.
Here she is the next day, scabs are starting to form:

And here she is with the Princess dolls that Grandma Cindy got for the poor baby:
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