Sunday, July 27, 2008

Swimming party

Recently we were at my parents' house just hanging out when Allison and her cousin Alexander decided to go out and play in the back yard. They were running around while my dad supervised when Alexander decided he wanted to get in the pool. So he jumped in fully clothed. Lindsey, who was a little annoyed but also slightly amused, went out and stripped him down to his diaper and told him to go play. Allison apparently thought that was a good idea because the next thing I knew, I was looking out the window to see her stripping her own clothes off down to her little purple panties.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

At last...

After finally realizing that I was the last person in town that did not have a blog, I decided I had better get with it and create one of my own. It wasn't too terribly difficult but anyone that knows me knows that I am NOT a crafty creative type of person. So doing this is a big step for me and you should all be proud. I will do my best to try and update semi-regularly so you can keep up with what is happening at the Howard house. As you can see I have my two beautiful girls up top to welcome you to our blog. Allison is 2 and a half and McKenna is 3 months old. We have decided that they are going to be twins when they get a little bit older because whenever we look at old baby pictures of Alli it is like we are looking right into the face of little McKenna. The only difference is that Allison has always been on the skinny side and McKenna has rolls all over her body. They have been dubbed our "Chunky Monkey" and "Skinny Minnie."

Ice cream truck

Last week TJ was home with the girls on his day off and he heard the ice cream truck. He scrounged around and found some change and got an ice cream for himself and one for Allison. As you can see, Alli really enjoyed hers. She had a little trail of blue down her arm that wouldn't come off for 2 days. Since then, she has been gathering up her own spare change (mostly pennies) and putting them in a little baggie for the next time the ice cream truck comes.