McKenna is now 17 months old and she is starting to pick up little words here and there. She knows a lot of signs, but more and more she's starting to say things with her mouth, mostly just parroting what she hears others say. Well flashback to last week when we were sitting around the tv watching the Boise State football game. During one of the many long runs by a Bronco player, there were 3 of us yelling at the tv, "Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" When all of a sudden I look over at little McKenna and she puts two little fist up in the air and with all the cuteness she could muster, she yelled "Go!" It was so stinkin' cute. But if that wasn't enough, later in the evening after hearing us talking and cheering throughout the game she again raised her little fists and said, "Go Bawcos" (go broncos). I'm glad she understands at a young age that we cheer for the Broncos in our house!
Cute little girl in her pink Bronco jersey