Monday, December 14, 2009

Polar Express

This weekend Allison got a chance to go to the North Pole via the Polar Express. Her Grandma found out about the ride and bought tickets for herself, Allison, and me. We had to drive up to Horseshoe Bend and catch a train. We rode on the train for about an hour and when it stopped, we were at the North Pole! We got to get out and walk around. We got some cookies and milk, saw Santa's workshop and even saw the big guy himself. Allison sat on Santa's lap and told him what she wanted for Christmas. It snowed all day so everything was white. It was so fun and Allison had a blast!

She is anxiously waiting to board the train. Love the cheesy grin!

Allison and Grandma standing in front of the Polar Express.

They had this little blow up decoration at the train station and she kept asking me if she could ride on Rudolph. She settled for a picture by him.

Sitting at the table on the train, waiting for Grandma to come back with HOT CHOCOLATE!

Holding her train ticket

Shaking her jingle bells while the carolers sang with everyone

Here's Santa's workshop. She wanted to go in, but we had to settle for peeking in the windows.

Not a great picture but here she is on Santa's lap

The sign above the door says "I believe in Santa Claus"