Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gotta Love 'Em

As much as they can be naugthy and drive you nuts sometimes, kids can also be a good source of entertainment. And don't they say the darndest things sometimes? Allison is always good for a laugh, especially when she throws in a big word here and there. Here's a few of my recent favorites:

  • After I folded and put away some laundry in her room, "Mommy I'm so proud of you."
  • Allison: "I'm angry!" Me: "Why?" Allison: "Since McKenna keeps bugging me around town."
  • After seeing me put on some deodorant, Allison wanted some. I pretended to put some near her elbow and she said "No it goes in my arm pill."
  • "Mommy can I have some gubble bum?"
  • Allison: "I'm smart and Olivia's smart and McKenna's smart." Me: "What about Thomas?" Allison: "No he's a boy and only girls are smart."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Every time I go to the store, I always have to make a stop at the little girls' section to look at how cute everything is and wish I could buy matching clothes for my girls. But unfortunately nobody sells matching baby and toddler clothes. I guess you have to fit into 12 month or bigger clothes to be considered a toddler because anything smaller is on a different rack. Well shout hooray because McKenna is now starting to fit into 12 month clothes. My girls got 3 cute little outfits for Christmas that they can wear together. Aren't girls fun?

Dresses from my mom

PJ's from Mommy and Daddy

TJ's mom got them this outfit

Cool glasses kids!