Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gotta Love 'Em

As much as they can be naugthy and drive you nuts sometimes, kids can also be a good source of entertainment. And don't they say the darndest things sometimes? Allison is always good for a laugh, especially when she throws in a big word here and there. Here's a few of my recent favorites:

  • After I folded and put away some laundry in her room, "Mommy I'm so proud of you."
  • Allison: "I'm angry!" Me: "Why?" Allison: "Since McKenna keeps bugging me around town."
  • After seeing me put on some deodorant, Allison wanted some. I pretended to put some near her elbow and she said "No it goes in my arm pill."
  • "Mommy can I have some gubble bum?"
  • Allison: "I'm smart and Olivia's smart and McKenna's smart." Me: "What about Thomas?" Allison: "No he's a boy and only girls are smart."

1 comment:

Waters said...

I LOVE how our children always keep us entertained EVERYDAY!