Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's just a phase. Right???

This is what my little girl looked like when I got her ready this morning. So sweet!

About an hour later, I walked into the kitchen to find this:

And then I turned the corner into the living room to find this:


Daniel and Dawn said...

Crazy little girls!!!! Jenna hasn't hit that phase yet.......yikers

mle said...

She has just realized MUCH faster than I that walking around the house naked is AWESOME... :) But maybe only when you live by yourself. Ah, the little freedoms.

The Ward(s) said...

I don't know why little kids do this. A couple of Nic's nieces and nephews went through the same thing. Always naked. Two things to be grateful for: 1) the diaper was empty and 2) she wasn't doing her business on the pillow (or was she???)

Marci said...

Sarah says "Why does she not have a diaper on?" He, he. Rebecca went through a phase (short, thankfully) where she took her diaper off just before she would fall asleep for her nap. We changed a lot of sheets for a few weeks.

Waters said...

because being the naked neighboor is better when youre a little kiddo.
Mel I love this post and when McKenna plopped herself in the bathtub fully clothed. Hum....she does have the whole method of clothes kinda mixed up. BEAUTIFUL girls!