Unfortunately, it quickly turned into a chore as one by one we all became a little bored with the task at hand. Allison helped for as long as her short attention span would allow. TJ got a little upset after she left because we were doing this mainly for her. As you can see, McKenna was not happy from the get-go.
So what did we do with this catastrophe of a family activity? WE didn't do anything. Instead, I stuck with it and finished all 5 pumpkins by myself. I'll give credit to Allison for helping me scoop out some of the "goopies" on each one, but the rest of the work was done by me and only me.
I'm not a very good artist, but I think they turned out pretty good. Allison of course wanted her picture taken with the finished product.
Bonus points if you can name all the characters. (I won't be offended if you guess wrong because of my not so awesome art skills.) Oh and remember, Allison picked them out and she is 4. ;-)
Cool jack-o-lanterns! I don't know all the characters, but not because they don't look good! Melanie, you're pumpkin caving skills are amazing! :) It's funny to see McKenna so miserable. For some reason it makes me laugh (not her misery, but just that she is so sad during FHE). I never liked the slimy insides as a kid, but think they're fun now!
You did a really good job Mel! I know all the characters except for the second one. Nic and I always have high hopes for pumpkins each year but it never happens. All is well.
Wow - I can't believe you did all those by yourself! I think I would have given up after one. The characters are so cute - I recognize all, but don't know all their names.
Melanie you did such an AWESOME job! I am not kidding, you went all out, I would have just done the traditional pumpkin "smile" maybe with ears, yours are sooo well done.
Bonus points to name: okay lets see. Theres
Mickey Mouse
Chicken Little
Foo Fa
Wow - those are awesome!
No winners yet on the name the pumpkin game. Hillary, you got 2 of them right.
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